贾宇奇, 袁孟群, 顾辰, 邱文哲. 钢结构变电站建筑墙板材料选型[J]. 农村电气化, 2024, (6): 25-29. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.06.006
引用本文: 贾宇奇, 袁孟群, 顾辰, 邱文哲. 钢结构变电站建筑墙板材料选型[J]. 农村电气化, 2024, (6): 25-29. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.06.006
JIA Yuqi, YUAN Mengqun, GU Chen, QIU Wenzhe. Material Selection for Wall Panel of Substation with Steel Structure[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2024, (6): 25-29. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.06.006
Citation: JIA Yuqi, YUAN Mengqun, GU Chen, QIU Wenzhe. Material Selection for Wall Panel of Substation with Steel Structure[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2024, (6): 25-29. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.06.006


Material Selection for Wall Panel of Substation with Steel Structure

  • 摘要: 文章通过对建筑内外围护墙体的各种材料进行经济、性能等多方面比选和研究,得出适用于变电站内外墙的材料,以满足建设“资源节约型、环境友好型、工业化”变电站的要求。研究发现,铝镁锰岩棉夹芯板(LCF板)更加适用于变电站外墙,它的施工工期短,抗震性能、防水性能、整体性良好,对于变电站这种特殊工程具有很强的适用性,符合全寿命周期建设原则。轻钢龙骨硅酸钙装饰板更适用于变电站内墙,它使得建筑整体观感得到提升,较之以往装配式围护墙体材料强度、防火、防潮等性能有很大提高,并对变电站设备安装及运行维护有很大帮助。


    Abstract: This paper through the building inside and outside the enclosing wall of the various materials for economic, performance and other aspects of selection and research, to come up with suitable for substations inside and outside the wall of the material, in order to meet the construction of "resource-saving, environmentally friendly, industrialized," the requirements of the substation. It was found that AlumiManganese rock wool sandwich panel (LCF panel) is more suitable for substation exterior wall, which has a short construction period, good seismic performance, waterproof performance, good integrality, and strong applicability for such special project as substation, which is in line with the principle of whole life cycle construction. Light steel keel calcium silicate decorative panels are more suitable for substation walls, which makes the overall building sense of view has been improved, compared with the previous assembly enclosure wall material strength, fire, moisture and other properties have been greatly improved, and substation equipment installation and operation and maintenance is of great help.


