陆阳, 徐茜, 周刚, 朱赟, 满忆. 一起220 kV变电站鸟害故障跳闸分析[J]. 农村电气化, 2024, (1): 77-79. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.01.020
引用本文: 陆阳, 徐茜, 周刚, 朱赟, 满忆. 一起220 kV变电站鸟害故障跳闸分析[J]. 农村电气化, 2024, (1): 77-79. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.01.020
LU Yang, XU Qian, ZHOU Gang, ZHU Yun, MAN Yi. Analysis of a 220 kV Substation Bird Damage Trip Accident[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2024, (1): 77-79. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.01.020
Citation: LU Yang, XU Qian, ZHOU Gang, ZHU Yun, MAN Yi. Analysis of a 220 kV Substation Bird Damage Trip Accident[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2024, (1): 77-79. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2024.01.020

一起220 kV变电站鸟害故障跳闸分析

Analysis of a 220 kV Substation Bird Damage Trip Accident

  • 摘要: 分析了一起220 kV变电站鸟害故障跳闸事故,结合故障区段环境分析、分布式故障定位装置分析,判定故障杆塔位置信息及故障原因,此次故障是因鸟类站立在防风偏绝缘子挂点上方排泄,排泄物导致绝缘子上下均压环之间空气间隙击穿放电。针对此类事故提出整改措施,在杆塔安装防鸟刺、超声波驱鸟器等装置,加强线路防鸟害工作,不断提高对输电线路的管理水平,保证电网运行稳定。


    Abstract: This paper analyzes a 220 kV substation bird fault trip accident, the location information of the faulty pole and tower was determined by combining the analysis of the environment of the fault section and the analysis of the distributed fault locating device. The fault cause was that birds excreted standing above the hanging point of the windproof offset insulator. The waste causes the breakdown and discharge of the air gap between the upper and lower pressure equalizing rings of the insulator. In this paper, put forward follow-up corrective measures, the pole tower to supplement the installation of anti-bird thorns, ultrasonic bird to prevent bird to bird and other anti-bird devices, targeted to strengthen the line anti-bird damage work, constantly improve the power grid line management level, to ensure the stable operation of the power grid.


