邓志雄. 基于工业传感器的刀闸位置双确认技术分析及优化[J]. 农村电气化, 2023, (10): 17-20. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.10.005
引用本文: 邓志雄. 基于工业传感器的刀闸位置双确认技术分析及优化[J]. 农村电气化, 2023, (10): 17-20. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.10.005
DENG Zhixiong. Analysis and Optimization of Double Confirmation Technology for Disconnector Position Based on Industrial Sensors[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2023, (10): 17-20. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.10.005
Citation: DENG Zhixiong. Analysis and Optimization of Double Confirmation Technology for Disconnector Position Based on Industrial Sensors[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2023, (10): 17-20. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.10.005


Analysis and Optimization of Double Confirmation Technology for Disconnector Position Based on Industrial Sensors

  • 摘要: 为实现调控一体化工作目标,为调度远方操作后确认刀闸位置提供判断依据,需要在远方操作风险高的变电站加装刀闸位置双确认装置,主要用于220 kV及以上等级的变电站,导致电网安全事故事件等级为三级事件及以上、存在重要及敏感负荷的110 kV及以下等级的变电站等。分析总结以工业传感器的刀闸位置双确认技术类别的优缺点,结合本局巡维中心刀闸位置双确认装置加装工作案例,从运行专业的角度出发优化刀闸位置双确认技术常见问题,最后针对调度远方操作风险提出相应现场管控处置方案。


    Abstract: In order to achieve integrated regulation and provide a judgment basis for confirming the position of the switch after remote operation, it is necessary to install a dual confirmation device for the position of the switch in substations with high risk of remote operation. Mainly for substations with a voltage level of 220 kV and above, and substations with a voltage level of 110 kV and below that cause power grid safety accidents with a voltage level of three or above and significant and sensitive loads. This article analyzes and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the dual confirmation technology category for the position of industrial sensors. Based on the work case of installing a dual confirmation device for the position of the disconnector in the operation and maintenance center of our bureau, common problems with the dual confirmation technology for the position of the disconnector are optimized from the perspective of the operation profession. Finally, corresponding on-site control and disposal plans are proposed for the risk of remote operation in the dispatch.


