叶子玉. 基于三维激光扫描技术的变电站精细建模技术研究与应用[J]. 农村电气化, 2023, (2): 35-39. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.02.008
引用本文: 叶子玉. 基于三维激光扫描技术的变电站精细建模技术研究与应用[J]. 农村电气化, 2023, (2): 35-39. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.02.008
YE Ziyu. Research and Application of Fine Modeling Technology for Substation Based on 3D Laser Scanning[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2023, (2): 35-39. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.02.008
Citation: YE Ziyu. Research and Application of Fine Modeling Technology for Substation Based on 3D Laser Scanning[J]. RURAL ELECTRIFICATION, 2023, (2): 35-39. DOI: 10.13882/j.cnki.ncdqh.2023.02.008


Research and Application of Fine Modeling Technology for Substation Based on 3D Laser Scanning

  • 摘要: 变电设施是电力系统中的重要组成部分之一1,其不同于常规的民用建筑工程,内部有众多的电气设备,分布数量大且电力电缆相互交错,载荷情况十分复杂。同时变电站处于实时运行状态,不允许停止运行,否则不能正常为人民生产和生活供电,给人民财产与人身安全造成重大损失与伤害2。文章通过利用3ds Max等成熟的建模软件还原设施设备的实景情况,架站式三维激光扫描技术采集变电站中的外业信息,直接反映出变电站实地的设施布局与设备安装的具体变化与差异,通过数字化手段获得变电站当下的布局规划,生产维护,参数铭牌,设施建设等一系列三维数字化信息,让运维人员更加安全,直接,高效的运行与管理变电设备。


    Abstract: Substation facilities are an important part of the power system, which is different from the conventional civil construction projects. There are a lot of electrical equipment inside, a large number of distribution and power cables interlaced. And the load is very complicated. At the same time, the substation is in the real-time operation state. It is not allowed to stop operation. Otherwise it cannot supply power to people's production and life normally, which will cause heavy losses and injuries to people's property and personal safety. In this paper, field information is collected by three-dimensional laser scanning technology, and the actual situation of facilities and equipment is reproduced by using mature modeling software such as 3ds Max, which directly reflects the specific changes and differences of facilities layout and equipment installation in the field of substation, so that managers can more directly through digital means obtain a series of 3D digital information such as the current layout planning, production and maintenance, parameter label, building construction etc.


